The current Village Hall was built in 2000, following a massive fund raising effort. It was a millennium project. Prior to that the villagers used a building in Rectory Road, a wooden army hut which was surplus to requirements after the first world war. It served the village for 80 years.
The official title of the hall is 'Elsing Memorial Hall' reflecting the fact that it is dedicated to the memory of those villagers who sadly perished in the 2 world wars.

The hall is managed on behalf of the villagers by a voluntary committee of Trustees who are elected at each AGM. They are responsible for ensuring that the hall is used and maintained appropriately and for raising funds to facilitate this.
Chair - Kate Skipper
Treasurer - Steve Crebbin
Secretary - Wendy Narducci
Jenn Monahan
Natalie Horncastle
Debra Doubleday
Judi Graham (W.I. Representative)

... is fully equipped with a serving hatch direct into the main hall enabling food and drink to be served quickly and easily. There is sufficient crockery, cutlery and glasses to cater for 70.
... is just over 12. metres by 7.6 metres (40x25ft) and seats up to 70 people. When not in use tables and chairs are stored away providing a large area ideal for parties or even dancing!


... for disabled are catered for with suitable toilets and ramp access for wheelchair users and double pushchairs.
... is a well kept garden area with seating, and a well equipped play park with direct access from the hall. The gravel car park will fit 15+ cars.

Hall hire = £15 per hour
Discounted rate for Elsing residents = £8 per hour
The hall is regularly used by the Parish Council and W.I. for their meetings.
Other regular activities and events include; Keep Fit, Yoga, Bingo, Quizzes, Craft Markets and more!
Fund raising events are also a big part of village life.

The hall is a registered charity - no. 1074667.
Its constitution states the purpose of the hall is;
'A Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Elsing in the county of Norfolk without distinction of political, religious or other opinions including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.'